For the June 2002 symposium, participants shared Holocaust course syllabi in a session entitled “Rethinking How We Educate in the Post-Shoah World”; engaged in a discussion the relationship of memory of the Holocaust to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; and examined Hitler’s speech of 30 January 1939 and Himmler’s Posen speech of 4 October 1943, as well as texts from the Bosnia and Rawanda genocides. We also discussed the various “minefields” that we face in our work as Holocaust scholars. A fourth volume, tentatively entitled God and Evil: Dialogical Collisions After the Holocaust, to be co-edited by Drs. Roth and Patterson, was proposed. The University of Washington Press agreed to The Pastora Goldner Series in Post-Holocaust Studies; it is anticipated that one or two books will emerge every two years from amongst scholars at the symposium and will be considered for publication by an internal editorial board and by the University of Washington Press.