In June 2008 the symposium conducted its first, full session under our new name, The Stephen S. Weinstein Symposium at Wroxton College. We welcomed Paul A. Shapiro, Director of the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, as a distinguished guest. Dr. Shapiro led a session entitled “Exploring the Newly Opened International Tracing Service Archives in Germany.” Symposium members received an update on the history and current status of these archives. A second plenary session was devoted to presentations by contributors to a Wroxton volume-in-the-making entitled “The Holocaust and Nature.” Other sessions included: 1)a showing of the film “Am Ende kommen Touristen” (“And Along Came Tourists”); 2) “Is There a Place for ‘Forgetting’ in the Study of the Holocaust?”; 3) “Holocaust Denial in the Era of the New Antisemitism,” 4) “The Jewish-Christian Dialogue: A Current Impasse”; 5) a discussion of “Charolotte Delbo’s Auschwitz and After”; and 6) a session devoted to the music of the ghettos and camps. It was announced that the Symposium had signed a new agreement with the University of Washington for the submission of five books over the next five-year period. The new series will be entitled “The Stephen S. Weinstein Series in Post-Holocaust Studies.”