We began our 2010 symposium with concurrent sessions on “The Burdens and Responsibilities of Post-Holocaust Pedagogies and Child-Rearing.” Three mini-plenaries on successive days were held on the theme of “Other Victims”: homosexuals, Roma and Sinti, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. A session entitled “Current Issues in Jewish-Christian Dialogue” featured a discussion of selected chapters contributed by symposium members in a volume entitled Letters to the Pope. Participants were exposed, via posters, to three new recently-completed volumes to be submitted as part of the Weinstein Series in Post-Holocaust Studies. Shirli Gilbert led a session on the music of resistance during the apartheid era, and three participants gave brief presentations on the theme “Facing Mortality in an Age of Atrocity.” Samuel Bak’s paintings formed the subject matter of another plenary, followed by an analysis of several Hasidic tales during the Holocaust. On the final day of the conference, we were honored to host Father Patrick Desbois who presented his current research in uncovering mass graves in Ukraine and Belarus. Our symposium concluded with a reading of the play “Dr. Korczak and the Children,” directed by Bob Skloot.